Free-Mo S Scale

Curve Modules by Shane Lambert

To facilitate larger Free-moS setups I am planning to build a number of 45 degree curve sections. With the help of Robert Sterner who models HO Scale Free-mo, we have worked out the geometry for simple parallelogram shaped modules as show below. Unfortunately, in order to maintain a minium radius of 42 inches, with 9 inches of straight and an easement, we had to invoke Standard 3.2.1 to make this work.

Single Track Curve

My single track curve modules will be simple scenery only modules at first. I plan to build 4 of these so we can bend the layout a full 180 degrees as needed. These all need to be exactly the same dimensions so that it could be possible, with some helper modules, to create a reverse loop with them.

Curve Modules

Module Specifications

Single Track Curve Module
6 Feet
24 Inches
Tomalco Code 100 flex track
42 inches minimum
Basic ground cover

Double Track Curve

I am not currently planning any double track modules but I wanted to put together a plan in case someone else wants to build some. Unfortunately, geometry forces the outside curve very close to the edge (about 1 1/16 inch), so something will need to be done to protect trains during derailment. One suggestion would be to provide a clamp on scenery wedge for these modules. Otherwise a different shape module will be needed for double track curves.

Curve Modules

Module Specifications

Double Track Curve Module
6 Feet
26 Inches
Tomalco Code 100 flex track
42 inches minimum inside, 45 1/8 inches outside
Basic ground cover

Check Out My Other Modules

Below is a list of modules that I am planning to build. Click on a module name to learn more about it. See all of my Modules.

Ready Mix ConcreteCNW La Crosse5 feet1In ProgressSpring, 2025
C&NW Indian Hill DistrictCNW La Crosse20 feet5In PlanningSummer, 2025
C&NW La Crosse YardCNW La Crosse20 feet1In PlanningWinter, 2025
End Modules2 feet0In PlanningSpring, 2026
Second Street, La Crosse, WICB&Q Zone 315 feet9In PlanningFall, 2026
West Avenue - La Crosse, WICB&Q Zone 315 feet5In PlanningWinter, 2025-2026
Heileman BreweryCB&Q Zone 320 feet9In PlanningSpring, 2026
Los Angeles Produce Terminal18 feet1In PlanningSpring, 2027